The Quickening - An exhibition of sculpture by Harriet Heyman

The Quickening | Figure on the Verge
5 - 15 September 2022

Harriet Heyman exhibition
There is Only Now, 2022

An exhibition of bronze sculpture by Harriet Heyman.

"The title is both metaphor and descriptive. Originally ‘quicken’ meant to make alive, to vivify. It described the instant when a pregnant woman first felt fluttering in her womb. I want a feeling of motion, of energy emanating from within. Something is unsettled and vulnerable. The usual meaning is also apt. ’Quickening’ means speeding up. Think of running. Running is a controlled fall. Without deliberately leaning forward–off-balance–you cannot run. In all creative work, whether making art or a garden, you run the risk of falling. Nor is the work ever finished. I want now to focus on larger works, stripped to the essence of form and motion. And wherein, for me, lies the heart of the matter at hand."

Harriet Heyman, 2022

This is a selling exhibition and any sales enquiries can be directed to

All proceeds from this exhibition are generously being donated to the Royal Drawing School