Rachael Neale

  • Alumni, 2018
  • Faculty
  • Young Artists Faculty
  • Bespoke Courses Faculty


London-based artist Rachael Neale confronts themes of intimacy and solitude through her abstract-figurative painting and printmaking practice. Beginning with intense drawing and driven by sensitive, tactile processes used to create multi-layer etchings, monotypes and paintings; her images infuse subtle nods to life and memory with stories about women in art history and literature.

Neale b. 1993 Cheshire holds a BA from University of the Arts London and graduated from the Drawing Year in 2018, where she was awarded the Paragon Press prize for printmaking. Rachael has taught on the Young Artist's programme since 2019 and on the Public Programme since 2022.

Selected exhibitions include Royal Drawing School (2024),  Greatorex Street Gallery (2022), AMP Gallery (2022), Christie's London (2018)

Rachael Neale