Annie Lee

Age 18, Young Associates Shoreditch


Q. Who is your favourite artist and why?
Ilya & Emilia Kabakov, their installations explore complex, philosophical themes, and are completely immersive, capturing the viewer's attention immediately. I loved their exhibition at Tate Modern and spent ages drawing their work, observing other people's reactions to it. 

Q. Why did you join the Young Artists?
I joined the Young Artists because I wanted an excuse to do even more art outside of school. I wanted to improve my drawing skills, and learn more techniques and approaches which I would be able to use in my schoolwork.

Q. Which session did you enjoy at the Royal Drawing School and why?
I really enjoyed the sessions where we drew from film, in particular the Grand Budapest Hotel session (which is now one of my favourite films). This is because it was lovely to be drawing in an environment with everyone else's different approaches to it; creating various exciting compositions. I felt like I could appreciate filmmaking more after the session.

Q. How has attending the Young Artists helped you develop your work?
I have developed so many more skills by attending the Young Artist's club, for example within life drawing. I have developed a love for printmaking and learned to be less perfectionist - that work does not have to be 'finished' for it to be a successful piece of work. Also, it has added variety to my portfolio and I have greater confidence in speaking about my work.

Q. What are your plans for the future?
This September I will go onto an Art Foundation course at Central Saint Martins. After completing this, I plan to progress to a degree course in art or design.