Dumfries House Applications (Scottish Artists Applicants)

The Dumfries House residency is a unique opportunity for artists who use drawing in their practice. The emphasis of the residency is working from observation and the development of new work.

The Royal Drawing School invites Scottish Artists to apply for two-week residencies at Dumfries House between February – May 2024. Those artists who are living and working in Scotland or those who have studied at a Scottish Art School are eligible to apply for the residency. 

The residency is intended to be a productive and creative period for artists to be able to work in a peaceful environment, whilst enjoying Dumfries House, its interior, the impressive 18th century collection, its grounds and the surrounding countryside.

The part-funded residency provides each artist with a private studio and shared self-catering accommodation. Food, travel to and from Dumfries House and artist materials are at the artist’s own cost. 

Dumfries House Studio

The Royal Drawing School has recently opened a new printmaking studio at Dumfries House. The new studio offers etching facilities for artists in residence. Please note the printmaking residencies are only open to artists proficient in printmaking. There are limited printmaking residencies available between February – April for Scottish Artists. Please specify on your application if you wish to be considered for one of the printmaking residences.

Applications are now closed for Scottish Artists at Dumfries House. If you have any questions regarding the residency, please contact residencies@royaldrawingschool.org

Please note US applicants should complete a different application form found on the Dumfries House Applications (US Applicants) page and RDS applicants should complete a different application form found on the Dumfries House Applications (RDS Applicants) page.